Here is where the rules regarding the site are located. Follow them. Everything else of dire importance is located here as well.
All the news and announcements concerning this site will be posted here to notify all the users, so check here often. It is also the place for staff to talk of improvements that have been made that can pertain to anything really, so long as it involves Eo Genesis. Contests will be held here as well.
All old and unused threads are stored here. PM a staff member to get them out if you want to continue using them again.
Come here and create your characters using our application template. Please define what your saurian's name is and what his/her rank is (if any), and what clan/tribe they are in (if any) in the thread title!
Members can keep a list of their characters here, to keep track of them. You may also include any posting table codes and such that goe with said characters. ONE THREAD PER MEMBER.
Post here if you have the perfect storyline and you need other people to join in to help. Also post here if you need people to play your hatchlings, or if you want a mate for your character. Plot and brainstorm with anyone here!
If you want to start a faction here, please post here with all your ranks; if people wish to join, they can reply to your thread. You must get the permission of the owner (Achak) first before attempting to create a faction.
Have a character you want to give away? Post here. This is also where you'd post a clutch of eggs to find people who will play them. You may use a random number generator to decide how many eggs the couple produces, keep it within reason.
A coniferous mountain forest region in the northeast of Eo, complete with refreshing rivers and quaint lakes. Utahraptors make their home here, accompanied by eoraptors and microraptors - the latter of which wander everywhere on the Isle, but their home is in Kikuyat.
A coniferous mountain forest region to the northwest of Eo, having tall snow peaks in the western half of the nation. The homeland of the dilophosaurs. Cryolophosaurs dwell in the most uninhabited parts of the snowy mountains.
A grassy plains region with lots of flowing rivers, some woods and mountains. The homeland of the ceratosaurs.
A grassy plains and lakes region, small yet proud. It is nestled between Makrinwatan and Drengrheim along the coastline all the way inland to the Ekhoron border. The homeland of the majungasaurs.
A large, grassy plains region with foothills, some woods, and mountains. This territory is large, spanning from eastern to western seas. The homeland of the tyrannosaurs and giganotosaurs.
A central-eastern savanna plains region known for its beautiful azalea blossoming in spring across the landscape. The homeland of the afrovenators.
A grassy plains region on the central-eastern seashore, where every race dwells together in peace... mostly. The capital is called Shipyard City.
A wet, rainforest territory to the central-west of the Eo Isle, full of thick, foggy jungles. It is the homeland of the carnotaurs.
A large, wet, marshy region to the southwest of the Eo Isle. Many coursing rivers and boggy swamps marr the landscape. The home of all spinosaurid species.
A mountainous steppe and desert region to the southeast of the Eo Isle. The land is rough to survive here. The homeland of the allosaurs.
If we have NOT posted on your forum, here's the place to post your ad. NO MATURE SITES!
If we HAVE posted on your forum, here's the place to post your ad.
If you'd like to partner up and affiliate with Eo Genesis, do so here in this board.